Hello, I am

Jade Agabi

Front end Designer | Developer

Who am I ?

"Hello there i'm Jade a passionate web artisian weaving creativity with code.with a knack for HTML,CSS,and python, I craft websites that not only look good but also function seamlessly.My journey in the digtal realm has been fuled by a curiosity for cybersecurity,ensuring that the virtual spaces I create are safe heavens for users.Beyond pixels and lines of code, i'm a storyteller at heart, translating ideas into engaging online expriences.

Personal Info

  • Birthdate : 02/03/2006
  • Email : jadecarnage86@gmail.com
  • twitter : @Carnagejade

My Expertise

UX Design

Skilled in creating intuitive and user-friendly digtal interfaces

Web Development

Proficient in writing clean, semantic, and SEO-friendly HTML codes.

Digital marketing

Skilled in executing strategic digtal marketing campaigns to drive traffic, increase engagement,and boost conversions.

My Resume


- Present

UX Developer

Conducted user interviews, surveys and usabilty testing to gather insights and feedback for 3 years.

2021- 2024

Front-end Developer

wrote clean, sematic HTML code for websites structure and content.

2021- 2024

Backend Development

Built server-side logic and APIs using django and PHP.






Hours Worked


Project Finished


Happy Clients


Coffee Drinked

My Services

Web Development

Building custom websites tailored to client specifications and needs,ensuring fucntionality across various devices and browsers.

UI/UX Designs

Creating appealing and user-friendly interfaces to enhance user exprience,including wireframming,prototyping and user testing.

E-commerce solutions

Developing online stores with features like product catalogs,shopping carts,and secure payments gateways.

Web Maimtenance and support

Providing ongoing maintenance,updates and technical support to ensure the websites remains secure, up-to-date, and performs well.

SEO Optimization

Implementing SEO best practices to improve websites visibility and rankings on search engines, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building strategies.

Web Analytics and Reporting

Intergrating and setting up analytics toold like Google Analytics to track website performance, user behaviour and conversions.

I Am Available For FreeLance

My Portfolio